GCount 0.1b (12-01-2000) x Initial Release on Freshmeat GCount 0.2a (12-03-2000) x Added the ability to ignore certain IP addresses. Now it won't log my own visits to the website x Fixed a problem that was causing Netscape hits to be reported as Mozilla x Made Windows NT 5.0 hits display as Windows 2000 just to be more readable GCount 0.2b (12-04-2000) x Fixed a bug in the mysql.txt file to make the database name correct thanks to Isaac Force for that one x Commented the mysql.txt code so that you can do a direct dump of it and have it create everything for you. x Added some authentication possibilities. This needs to be worked on more to get it working under Windows NT GCount 0.3 (12-04-2000) x Changed the rolling background colors to cycle instead of just repeat. Looks a little smoother now. x Removed GIF support, GCount is now 100% .PNG Some people were reporting problems making it work with .GIFs due to the fact that GD does NOT use .GIFs in the later later versions. x Added the option to ignore your own (or anyones) hits in the counter by matching against an IP address. x Basic Authentication should be working under Linux, I will have to develop a more robust authentication system that will be cross platform compatible. x Added the option to not recount someone visiting your site and hitting the refresh button several times, uses cookies. GCount 0.3b (12-04-2000) x Added the ability to store the FQDN of your visitors instead of just the IP address x Fixed a small bug that would not log the first hit to the counter if it was from an 'ignored' address. It now logs the first regardless of where it comes from, just to setup the counter in the database. GCount 0.4 (8-26-2001) x Changed the installation process to include a PHP based (web) installer. This should check to make sure your PHP/Apache/MySql installation has everything necessary to run Gcount. x Added "Prev" and "Next" to gcountinfo to allow you to view older/newer hits. GCount 0.5 (8-21-2002) x Updated the installation process to be a little more straight forward and give the user more control x Drastically improved the agent detection. GCount should be able to determine the browser/os for more than 30 (Mac, Linux, Windows, other) known combinatiosn, and guess fairly accurately at the rest x Extrapolated the MySQL code so it resides in one file (mysql.php) instead of having a little piece in all the scripts x Changed the table names that GCount uses, it should be more clear now GCount 0.5.5 (8-26-2002) x Thanks to "Tom Herzog" for helping test and for fixing my spelling errors x Thanks to David Palomares for pointing out an error in install.php script. It still had the old SQL table names which needed to be updated x A special thanks to Richard Gentry for making the snazzy new logo that GCount has needed for a long time GCount 0.6 (1-2-2003) x Added some pretty serious debugging commands to GCount. Appending debug=1 to the URL will cause GCount to NOT display a counter, but instead display debugging information. x Drastically changed the installer script (install.php) to be more intuitive and make the installation easier. In the event that things do go wrong the install script should be able to tell you that more effectively now. x Updated the SQL tables to allow for an alphanumeric field for browser name. This should allow things like Mozilla 1.3a whereas in the past the non-numeric part would have been removed. x !!! Big change !!! Detail logging is now OFF by default. This means your user agent requests (Browser and OS) will NOT be logged unless the log=1 parameter is sent to GCount. This should lower traffic on sites that don't need that information. x Long overdue update to "register globals" off. GCount now REQUIREs PHP 4.1 or higher. This is due to the introduction of non-global CGI variables. GCount 0.61 (1-3-2003) x There was a bug in the default configuration that would cause every hit to be ignored regardless. Fixed and new version released! GCount Typefaces Release (1-4-2003) x Released the first typeface pack for GCount. Added 70 different typefaces to GCount's arsenal thanks to John King . GCount 0.7 (6-19-2003) x Added the visitlimit option to GCount to allow a certain counter to override the default GCount visit limit. x Tom Herzog help me add support in agent.inc for Windows 2003 x Removed the manual "how many typefaces are installed" config directive, detected automatically now x Removed a "bad" counter image from the typeface pack. x Added better support for detecting OS X x Added Safari detection x Added a SMALL report option to gcountinfo.php x Updated the documention to include all the known options that are available via the gcount script x Extrapolate OS and OSVersion in the database GCount 0.71 (6-20-2003) x canuck@aeiou.pt pointed out that the 0.7 release did not include the install.php script! Fixed! GCount 0.8RC1 (2004-08-20) x Made GCount PHP 5.x compatible x Updated GCount to use SQLite by default instead of MySQL. SQLite will be much more flexible and simpler! x Modified the summary report to be more accurate x Added the "admin console" to allow an admin to reset or delete counters should the need arise x Admin console now shows disk space usage as well x Converted both gcount and user agent detection to PHP 5 class to allow greater functionality x Updated the user agent to support more known user types! x GCount no longer relies on cookies to handle session limits, instead it uses the last database hits x Logging is back on by default as it's much easier and scalable with SQLite instead of MySQL x Fixed error() so now it will output a graphic error instead of text message. This should make troubleshooting much easier. x Fixed a bug where the count wasn't starting at 1 it was starting at 0 when a new counter was created. x All HTML validates XHTML 1.1 strict, and uses CSS so output is *much* cleaner and more readable than past versions GCount 0.8RC2 (2004-08-20) x Fixed a huge bug that would cause all hits regardless of host, to have the same session limit. x Updated the HTML on the admin screen so the buttons display cleaner. x Fixed a bug that was causing the wrong hits to be deleted/reset x Made the admin page show counters with 0 hits x Added a logout option per jared@mollalaboy.com's request x Fixed a bug that made the password box, show clear text as you typed x Fixed an HTML bug (FORM is a block level element!?!) that made the admin panel not work as advertised. GCount 0.8 (2006-02-15) x Turned off debugging and released the code x Props to Jared Hayes for being my test monkey and giving me some suggestions on the INSTALL file instructions GCount 0.9 (2006-03-30) x Added PDO support for people that have that. That includes SQLite and much requested MySQL. Technically any PDO driver should work but SQLite and MySQL are the only tested ones right now. x Better debugging if something does go wrong x Removed a duplicate counter thanks to Scott Stevenson's good eye. GCount 0.95 (2007-05-22) x Moved to the db_query() interface which wraps around PDO. This means we can now support any database that PDO supports GCount 0.9.6 (2019-10-24) x Updated to support PHP 7.x TODO: * Cookie session limits? * Add MySQL support back? Or is SQLite good enough * Make report options more detailed (What versions of what OS/Browser) * Add a show=0 option