
SpamAssassin rocks! It just caught another spam for me. These are the results of why it tagged this email as a spam.

SPAM: -------------------- Start SpamAssassin results ---------------------- SPAM: This mail is probably spam. The original message has been altered SPAM: so you can recognise or block similar unwanted mail in future. SPAM: See for more details. SPAM: SPAM: Content analysis details: (31.6 hits, 5 required) SPAM: Hit! (0.6 points) From: does not include a real name SPAM: Hit! (2.0 points) Invalid Date: header (no timezone) SPAM: Hit! (4.5 points) Character set doesn't exist SPAM: Hit! (1.0 point) Subject has an exclamation mark SPAM: Hit! (0.5 points) Received via SMTPD32 server (SMTPD32-n.n) SPAM: Hit! (1.6 points) BODY: Claims you can be removed from the list SPAM: Hit! (0.9 points) BODY: Asks you to click below SPAM: Hit! (1.6 points) BODY: Claims compliance with SPAM regulations SPAM: Hit! (2.0 points) BODY: Claims compliance with senate bill 1618 SPAM: Hit! (2.5 points) BODY: Uses a dotted-decimal IP address in URL SPAM: Hit! (-0.1 points) BODY: Includes a 'remove' email address SPAM: Hit! (-0.2 points) BODY: Includes a URL link to send an email SPAM: Hit! (2.6 points) BODY: Link to a URL containing "opt-in" or "opt-out" SPAM: Hit! (4.1 points) BODY: Link to a URL containing "unsubscribe" SPAM: Hit! (3.5 points) BODY: Link to a URL containing "remove" SPAM: Hit! (4.5 points) HTML-only mail, with no text version SPAM: SPAM: -------------------- End of SpamAssassin results ---------------------

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