Showing entries with tag "IPV6".

Found 4 entries

Cisco: Change IPV6 SLAAC lifetimes

The default IPV6 valid lifetime for a SLAAC configured address is 30 days, and preferred lifetime is 7 days. You can change these lifetimes with this command:

conf t
int vlan 568
ipv6 nd prefix default 86400 14400

This can be used to effectively "time-out" an auto-configured address.

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CentOS: Multiple static IPV6 addresses

I needed to apply multiple static IPV6 addresses to a single interface under Fedora/CentOS. To do this you'll need to add an IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES line to your /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 so that it looks like this:

IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES="2001:db8::40/64 2001:db8::30/64"

Note: Addresses are added in reverse order. Outbound traffic will use the last secondary IP added.

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PHP: IPV6 reverse DNS entries

Reverse DNS (PTR) entries in IPV6 are different than their IPV4 counterparts. To create an IPV6 reverse entry, you have to: fully expand the address, reverse it, and add a period between each character.

For example: 2001:db8::60 reverses to

I wrote a simple PHP function to handle this for me:

function ipv6_ptr($ip_str) {
    $hex = unpack("H*hex", inet_pton($ip_str));
    $str = strrev($hex['hex']);
    $p   = str_split($str);
    $ret = join(".",$p);

    return $ret;
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Show mac entries for IPV6 neighbors

IPV6 does not have ARP and thus does not have an ARP table. If you want to see the mac addresses and associated IPV6 addresses of your known neighbors use the IP command:

ip -6 neigh show
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