Net-SNMP basic config on Fedora

To setup a basic configuration of Net-SNMP on Fedora you'll need to create a group and give it access to a specific part of the SNMP tree.

# Create an access group based on community/subnet
#com2sec        source      community
com2sec     my_access_name  default     my_community

# Assign the access to a named group
#group      sec.model
group       my_group_name   any         my_access_name

# Create sub-sections of the tree to give groups access too
#view   view_name   incl/excl   subtree     mask(optional)
view    all         included    .1

# simple_view can view everything in interfaces, system, and ucdavis
view    simple_view     included    .interfaces
view    simple_view     included    .system
view    simple_view     included    .ucdavis

# Give your groups access to a specific view
#access     context     sec.model   sec.level   prefix  read    write   notif
access      my_group    name        ""          any     noauth  0       simple_view     none    none

Once that is done you should be able to snmpwalk the whole SNMP tree:

snmpwalk -v 2c -c my_community localhost

Or specific parts of the SNMP tree

snmpwalk -v 2c -c my_community localhost system
snmpwalk -v 2c -c my_community localhost interfaces
snmpwalk -v 2c -c my_community localhost ucdavis

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