Perlfunc: pfile()

PHP has a handy function named file() that will read the contents of a file into a variable. I wrote a quick Perl version of the same function.

sub pfile {
    my $target = shift();
    my $is_fh  = defined(fileno($target));
    my $ret;

    # If we passed in a FH read everything from that
    if ($is_fh) {
        while (readline($target)) { $ret .= $_; }
    # Else it's a file to be opened 
    } else {
        open (my $fh, "<", $target) or return undef;

        while (<$fh>) { $ret .= $_; }

    if (wantarray) {
        return split('\n',$ret);

    return $ret;
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Diego 2010-09-25 05:15am - dvadell@... - Logged IP:


Perl has a read_file() function. AFAIK you have to install an extra module, but it is as easy as running "cpan File::Slurp".

use File::Slurp;
my $file = read_file( $file );

Regards, -- Diego

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