old webcam and found the old Webcam32 software I used to use and I setup a little webcam pag...">


Woohoo! I dusted off my old webcam and found the old Webcam32 software I used to use and I setup a little webcam page of my own. Now while it's on you can watch my computer room. It's a party all the time in here, let me tell you.
Leave A Reply - 2 Replies
Anonymous 2002-06-25 07:41pm - No Email - Logged IP: unknown

hmm, I have a kodak dvc323. I have yet to try and plug that in. I did successfully setup my old kodak dc215 camera to take stills through a simple script. I think I used gphoto for that. Anyhoo, your cam works well.

Anonymous 2004-01-04 03:36pm - No Email - Logged IP: unknown

Howdy, I was browsing looking for a clue on using a pair of Kodak DC215 as wildlife yard cams. Your brief entry at 'http://www.perturb.org/entryreply.php?entryid=482' gives me some hope. But could you share a little on how you did it? I can't seem to get a live video feed out of the unit as I can with my Epson digi camera. If you are game you can email me at ROB29@pobox.com.

Thanx, Rob :)

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